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Meet the Team


Terita O. Ijokoh

Chief Financial Officer

Terita is the Chief Financial Officer for FOBT Pipeline Inc. and has a twenty year career in accounting and financial reporting.  Her background is particularly valuable to FOBT Pipeline as she has a diverse portfolio in managing large and small organizations. Her most recent roles include positions with  The Auto Group,  Northpointe Insurance Group, and  Motors Insurance Corporation; which have poised her to lead  FoBT  Pipeline  and our growth strategy.

Nicole brings over a decade of experience in executive administrative support,  staffing, public relations, and  marketing.  In her role she helps organizations fill the gap through process improvement and execution.  As the development manager for FOBT Pipeline Inc., Nicole is the direct line of communication to the leadership team for growing our public and private partnerships.

Nicole Clark

Development Manager

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Rebecca E.  Johnson

Founder & Executive Director

As Founder & Executive Director, Rebecca brings over 12 years of experience to FOBT Pipeline Inc. through the lens of Impact Investing for institutional lenders to affordable housing solutions, aging in place, sustainable communities and other initiatives relating to community development projects. Rebecca brings her finance background of Fannie Mae and JPMorgan Chase to her life's work of creating equitable neighborhoods.

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